Family Worship

Joash Wanted To Obey God:    

The focus of this family time is to use five easy steps to teach your family that Joash wanted to obey God. He honored God at first, but in time, his actions showed that there was still sin in his heart. Jesus wants to change our hearts. When we trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior, He gives us new hearts that want to live for His glory.


“Therefore, Repent and turn back, So that your sins may be wiped out.

Acts 3:19

Learn the Memory Verse together and say it throughout the week to help your family remember and apply what they have learned.


Use this time to begin Family Worship Night and have fun!

Use this time to begin Family Worship Night and have fun!

Play hide-and-seek as a family. After the game, talk with kids about how we cannot hide our sin from God. The only hope we have is found in Jesus. When we place our trust in Him, He forgives our sin, changes our hearts, and gives us eternal life.


  • Sing and have fun while worshiping then pray. Take a moment here to thank God for your family and your time together!! 


Watch the Bible story video or read the 2 Kings 12 and 2 Chronicles 24 from the Bible:




Use these questions and points to have a conversation with your children about the Bible story. 

Preschool Discussion:

  • Joash (JOH ash) was seven years old when he became the king of Judah. 
  • Joash grew up and had a family. For years, King Joash did what God said was right. 
  • Joash wanted to fix up the Lord’s temple. He told men to collect money from the people to help repair the temple. 
  • Joash told them to put a chest, like a box outside the temple’s gate. The people brought their silver and put it in the chest. The box was filled and emptied every day. 
  • The workers fixed up God’s temple and made it stronger. Joash and Jehoiada, the high priest used the leftover money on tools and instruments for the temple. 
  • After Jehoiada died, King Joash and the people stopped worshiping God. Joash set up idols to worship. God sent warnings to the people, but the people did not listen.

Elementary Discussion

  • The mimic octopus is a very interesting creature. It has the amazing ability to change color and shape to look like other sea creatures. When the octopus feels threatened, it often mimics the appearance of a toxic animal like the lionfish or sea snake to scare away predators. When the danger has passed, the mimic octopus returns to her normal colors and goes on about her day.  
  • As we learn more about the life of King Joash, we see that he wanted to follow God, but the sin in his heart led him to worship false gods. Joash turned away from God, so God turned away from Joash. Much like the mimic octopus, a person’s own ability to change their sinful heart is only temporary. We might try to do better and make wiser choices, but the sin in our hearts is too pronounced to hide.  
  • The only real, lasting change for our hearts must come from Jesus. His death and resurrection have broken the power of sin. Everyone who believes in Him is forgiven and has been forever changed by His grace! 
  • Joash wanted to obey God. He honored God at first, but in time, his actions showed that there was still sin in his heart. Jesus wants to change our hearts. When we trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior, He gives us new hearts that want to live for His glory.

STEP 5. Pray!

  • Pray: God, help us not to trust in our own ability to change our hearts, but to trust in what Jesus has done to change our hearts. Help us to know the eternal forgiveness and joy that comes from knowing Jesus as Lord.