Heart & Soul

What does it mean to be Heart & Soul?

The Old Testament book of 1 Samuel gives us a report of a young man named Jonathan who courageously attacks an enemy outpost along with his armor bearer. His attack on this outpost led to a great victory for God’s people. However, something significant happened before the battle ever took place. As Jonathan readied himself for the attack, he told his armor bearer of his plan. The armor bearer’s response to Jonathan was, “Do all that you have in mind. Go ahead; I am with you heart and soul.” (1 Samuel 14:7) Jonathan’s armor bearer was “all-in” with him. 

At Connection, to be Heart and Soul means that we are fully committed to Jesus and HIS Church. When we say we are Heart and Soul it is saying we are devoted to Jesus and each other to accomplish the mission of carrying the Good News of Jesus to all nations. Many churches use the term membership, but our goal is not to have a long church roster. God has simply called us to be a group of people committed, Heart and Soul, to Jesus and His mission.

Why do I need to commit to be in Heart & Soul?

God has chosen the Church to be His instrument for bringing His message of reconciliation to the world. If this message is going to go forward, we must be willing to commit Heart and Soul to sharing Jesus with all people. It’s time that we, the Church, realize our purpose and step with boldness and courage to see that purpose fulfilled.

How do I commit to be Heart & Soul?

Heart and Soul is usually offered once a month and gives you a chance to learn more about God’s intent for His Church, as well as some details about how we feel God has called us at Connection to carry out His intent. It also gives us a chance to hear from you, and for you to be able to ask any questions. Committing Heart and Soul with any vision should begin with God’s leading. We sincerely want you to be where God wants you to be. If you sense God may be leading you to Connection, or you’re interested and would like to hear more, we would love to have you join us for our next Heart and Soul.

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