Family Worship

Wise Up

The focus of this family time is to use five easy steps to teach your family that Living and walking in God’s ways requires wisdom. Solomon reminds us in Proverbs that when we seek wisdom, God will give it to us.


“Listen to God’s words and do not turn from them.” Proverbs 4:5

Learn the Memory Verse together and say it throughout the week to help your family remember and apply what they have learned.


Have kids stand in a circle. Each of you will think of a short dance move and do it for everyone to see and learn. If it’s complicated, you may have to do it with us and teach us! Then the next person will go, but before she does her own move, she will do the moves that the person or persons before her did. The last person will do all the moves! It may be hard to remember all the moves that come before you, but it’s OK! You can ask for help! Anyone from the group can jump in and help you anytime by doing the move to remind you! It’s OK if you forget. 

If kids need help, give them some simple dance move ideas such as clapping your knees twice and then hands twice, doing the “disco move,” “flossing,” or any other simple moves you can think of. Don’t force kids to participate if they don’t want to. They can always watch and jump in as helpers for those participating. 

  • Great job remembering all those dance moves! Those were some pretty cool moves. And great job asking for help when you didn’t remember the next move. Sometimes we need help to know what to do next. We can always ask God for help and wisdom to know what to do. He is always there for us, and He will always give us wisdom when we need it.  




Use these questions and points to have a conversation with your children about the Bible story.



  • What’s the name of the king who wrote the book of Proverbs? (King Solomon) 
  • What does Solomon say is as valuable as treasure? (wisdom) 
  • Where does wisdom come from, and how do we get it? (from God; by asking or looking for it) 
  • Why is it important to God that we are honest and do not lie? 
  • Have you ever lost something that was special to you? How did you feel when you found it? 
  • Has there been a time when you have needed God’s wisdom to know what to do? Tell about it. 

Wisdom is a gift God gives when we ask for it! And we always need it. When we have God’s wisdom, we know how God wants us to live, and we will have joy because God’s way is best!

Mission Moment

Mary Slessor


Do you know any twins? Any brothers and sisters the same age as each other? I am a twin. I have a twin brother. I think being a twin is quite special.

A hundred years ago in Nigeria in Africa, people didn't think twins werw special at all. People hated twins and wanted to get rid of twins when they were born - but God sent Mary Slessor to help these babies. Even though Mary was very poor, even though Mary was born in Scotland - a long. long way from Africa - and even though Mary was a young woman all on her own, God used her to help save hundreds and hundreds of twin babies.

Mary traveled to Africa. Mary traveled to places other people thought were too far away and too scary. She was a long, long way from home, she was poor and she was a young woman all on her own but she wanted to tell the people there that her friend Jesus loved them too. She showed them that her friend Jesus loved twins as well. She jock twins that nobody wanted and looked after them - caring for hundreds and hundreds of babies. She became famous in Nigeria for helping all kinds of people in all kinds of ways, but I think helping all those twin babies was the best.

STEP 5. Pray!

Dear God, thank You for giving us wisdom (point to head) and showing us how to live. Thank You for leading us with Your Holy Spirit in all situations. Help us remember to always turn to You and seek Your wisdom (point to head). In Jesus’ name, Amen. 
Encourage the kids to hold their hands out in front of them, with palms up, as if their hands were open to receive something. Tell them to listen and receive the blessing as you speak it over them. 

Blessing: May you search high and low for wisdom from God every day. May your ears be quick to listen to wisdom and your heart be quick to understand it. And may you always walk in God’s good ways.