Fasting is a spiritual discipline that is rooted in the Bible that means we abstain from something (usually food) to grow spiritually and depend more on Jesus. The key focal point of a fast is having focused time on prayer and drawing close to God. The rewards of fasting are incredible. Fasting and prayer often brings about powerful personal transformation. When we practice prayer and fasting, God hears from heaven and can heal lives, churches, communities, nations and our world. Every great revival or movement of God was preceded by men and women fasting and praying, longing for God. It’s important to note that our Savior fasted often and desired his disciples to fast as well.
- It’s important to ensure you’re listening to both the Holy Spirit and your own body in the way you fast. Instead of abstaining from food altogether, you may fast from a particular type of food or even something other than food, such as social media. You might decide to fast until a certain time in the day or skip a certain meal. There are many ways to ensure you’re getting the physical nourishment you need while still enjoying the spiritual nourishment fasting and prayer offer.
Why Fast?
Fasting is biblical
Fasting can revive us, the people around us, and the world around us.
Fasting enables the Holy Spirit to show us our spiritual condition
Fasting and prayer can transform our prayer life
Fasting and prayer can help us hear God more clearly.
Fasting and prayer strengthens our relationship with God
- Regular Fast - A regular fast is when you abstain from all food and drink except for water. We recommend this for short periods of time (1-3 days) and not all 21 days. Fasting 1 day out of the week each week throughout the 21 days may be an option. Be sure to check with your doctor if you have any health concerns.
- Liquid Fast - Fasting from solid food and sticking with liquids. This fast is more sustainable over a longer period. Again, be sure to check with your doctor if you have any health concerns.
- Partial Fast - This is a type of fasting that involves abstaining from a particular type of food/group of foods or abstaining from a certain meal each day and replacing it with time in prayer. For example some may decide to omit lunch every day to spend time in prayer. This fast can also involve choosing something that takes away from our time with the Lord or something we’ve become dependent on. Many people choose to fast TV and/or social media during the 21 days of fasting and prayer.
- Daniel Fast - Daniel’s fast while he was in Babylon is an example. Daniel abstained from the delicacies of Babylon and ate fruit and vegetables. This type of fast can be sustained over a longer period. Here’s some information on what that looks like
- Starting on January 9th, 2023, we will begin a 21-day fast together as a church family. We want to begin this year by specifically praying for the salvation of people in our lives. We would love for you to join us on this prayer and fasting journey. To join us, download the “Who's Your One” prayer guide here.
Remember, whatever fast you choose the focal point is that we abstain from something and shift our focus on prayer. It is in prayer that we will see breakthrough. For more information on fasting, click here.