Why Plant a Church?
There is always the question, why should we start a church? We believe that God has purposed every Church to make disciples of Jesus Christ, for the Glory of God. The Church is the vehicle that is driving that purpose. The Bible shows us that God's method to reach people is to plant churches that plant churches. Planting well-planned, Gospel-centered, Bible-based churches is always beneficial for God’s glory and growing the Kingdom of God!
What are we about?
Connection Church Athens exists to connect all people to a growing relationship with Jesus. This is the Great Commission Jesus gave to His Church over 2,000 years ago. Our mission is God’s mission. We desire to be a church that is focused on the Gospel, because the Gospel is the power of God for people to be saved! We desire to see people connected to Jesus, be discipled, and sent out to make disciples; all for God’s Glory.
How will we do it?
Simple is better! We want to be laser focused on everything God has entrusted the Church to do, with excellence. Our church will be centered around 4 areas of ministry:
- Worship Services: Our services consist of worshipping Jesus through music coupled with encouraging and equipping through biblical teaching.
- Family Ministries: The most important disciples to be made in our lives are the children God has entrusted to us. We desire to equip parents to connect their kids to a growing relationship with Jesus.
- Connect Groups: This is where community and discipleship, outside of Sunday morning, happens. This is a gathering of people who encourage one another to grow holistically.
- Missions and Outreach: This is not a broad “catch-all”, it is how raise up missionaries, church planters, and ministry leaders to lead. We believe the more people doing Gospel-centered outreach, the better.
What are our priorities?
- Gospel-Centered. Everything we do revolves around Jesus. Jesus’ work on the cross not only provides salvation through reconciliation to God, but also sets the standard in everything we do. We want even the smallest things we do to be God-centered. We like to say “everything begins and ends with God’s Glory!”.
- Bible-Rooted. Everything we do will be rooted in God’s word. We believe the Bible is sufficient for everything. The Bible will be the final authority in everything: from how to grow into spiritual maturity, preaching on Sunday’s, to how we make the smallest decisions.
- Mission-Driven. The driving force behind what we do is God’s command to make disciples, for His glory. God has called every person and church to play a part in His global purpose of His name being worshipped to the ends of the earth. From the first chapter of the Bible, to Jesus’ last words in Acts chapter 1, we see that God’s purpose for us individually, and His Church, is to make disciples for God’s glory.
- Holy Spirit-Led. The Holy Spirit leading will be a priority. We believe that every person that makes up God’s church is filled with His Spirit. Therefore, we will fervently pray and follow where the Spirit Leads in everything we do.
Want to know more? Contact Dustin with any questions you might have about Connection Church Athens!
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