During this time, we want to be wise as a church about how we gather and who we gather with.We believe this is the best way to honor God, our leaders, and love our neighbors. The CDC has advised to cancel all gatherings of 10 for the time being so we will not be able to physically gather together on Sunday or in groups. However, we want to encourage you to participate in some form of community. This may look different for everyone. For some, it will be just a family gathering. For others, it can be family, roommates, close friends, and neighbors. However it looks for you, we want to encourage you to be smart in your specific situation. We also want you to be equipped. Here is a guide to help you lead this time:
1 John 5
Summary: In 1 John, John is writing to the believers in Ephesus letting them know what authentic faith looks like and to assure us of our salvation.
Major Points:
- If we love Christ, we obey Christ and then we have hope outside this world. We overcome the world because Jesus has overcome the world by giving us hope outside of this world.
- By believing, John wants us to be sure that we have eternal life. God does not want us guessing if we are saved. God desires that we evaluate our life accurately so we can be sure we have eternal life.
- Our relationship with sin and others reveals our relationship with Christ. People who are of the world will not love all people, and will justify their sin.
Question Bank:
- How has your week been spiritually? What has God been teaching you this week?
- How does having hope beyond this world encourage you?
- How does knowing that we are here for a bigger purpose and there is an eternal life after this world, lead you to living differently?
- What are some next steps for you to make to live with an eternal mindset?
- Why do you think God wants us to know that we are saved?
- By looking at your life, what are some ways you could challenge yourself to accurately reflect Christ?
- Why do you think John is so serious about Christians loving people? After reading 1 John, do you think it is possible to love Jesus and not love all people?