Connect Group Guide

1 Peter 1

Summary: Peter is writing this letter to Christians scattered all throughout Asia Minor (Turkey) who are currently facing persecution because of their faith. His purpose is to encourage believers to endure trials & suffering by relying on God’s promises.

Major Points: 

  1. (V. 1-5) To endure suffering, Peter reminds us to know our identity. He refers to believers as “elect exiles” and goes on to remind us we were born again into the family of Jesus. This new identity gives us security in knowing we were hand selected by God to endure the things of this world. 
  2. (V. 3-4) Thanks to the work of God through Jesus, we now have a new hope to set our eyes on. Before we were saved our hope was in this world, which has been corrupted with sin. Now, as v. 4 says, our hope is “an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in Heaven for those being guarded by faith.” Our new hope can’t be taken away by anything, unlike this world.
  3. (V. 6-9) The third instruction Peter gives us for enduring suffering is to understand God has a plan for our sufferings. Our faith will be refined and God will ultimately receive Glory because of that.

Question Bank: 

  1. How has your week been spiritually? 

  2. What has God been teaching you this week?

  3. What sins are you struggling with that you need to confess?

  4. (V. 1-2) How does knowing that we have been “Chosen by God” help us in the midst of trials and suffering?

  5. (V. 3-5) What does it mean to be born again to a living hope? 

  6. Where is that new hope found? 

  7. How does the new hope help you in the midst of suffering?

  8. (V. 6-7) Is rejoicing in trials an unrealistic expectation? 

  9. Why does it seem so difficult for us on earth?

  10. (V. 6-9) How does enduring suffering bring praise, glory, and honor to Jesus?

  11. (V. 8-9) How does your joy in suffering change someone's view of Jesus?

  12. (V. 13-21) Peter says in V. 18 “knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited by your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ”. How does knowing this change our thought process in suffering?

  13. Think of a time of suffering in your life. What gave you hope in that situation? 

  14. What would you change about how you handled that situation after listening to Peter?

  15.  (V. 13-15) How would the Kingdom of God change if we all set our hope fully on the Grace of Jesus instead of this world?