Connect Group Guide

1 Timothy 6

Summary: Paul previously left Timothy in Ephesus to confront false teachers inside the church there. He is now sending further instruction for Timothy concerning the result of the false teaching (division and controversy in the church). Paul’s overall theme of this book is that the Gospel leads to practical and visible life change when taught correctly. Paul knows that when the Church is healthy and the true Gospel is being preached genuine life change will be the result. 

Major Points:

  1. (V. 1-10) As Paul begins to close this book out, he says “teach and urge these things”. “These things” refers to all that Paul has talked about in 1 Timothy (the church growing into Godliness). In the body of this passage Pauls shows that we have to learn to be content with Godliness. When we aren’t content with Godliness alone, we get lost in a craving for more of the worldly things because they can never fully satisfy. This eventually leads us into ruin and destruction. It starts small (if i just had a little more money), and will eventually lead to things like neglecting family for more work. We have to learn to be content with God no matter the circumstances. 

  2. (V. 11-16) We have to keep ourselves focused on the Gospel of Jesus in order to live above reproach. When we focus on the Gospel it compels us to live our lives in a way that no one can argue with. The fuel for our good works is coming face to face with the God that brought us from death to life, that is why Paul reminds us who the savior is in this passage, so we can refocus on Christ instead of ourselves inadvertently fueling good works in us. 

  3. (V. 17-21) Until our hope is set on Christ and not worldly things such as money, we will never be able to be generous or content. The problem isn’t money, but the love and pursuit of money. We have to ask ourselves daily, what am I pursuing with my time and resources. If the answer isn’t Christ then we need to check our hearts.

 Question Bank: 

  1. How has your week been spiritually? 

  2. What is God teaching you?

  3. What sins are you struggling with that you need to confess?

  4. (V. 1-10) What do the first two verses teach us about work relationships? 

  5. (V. 1-10) What happens when we live our lives outside the design laid out in the bible?

  6. (V. 1-10) What does it look like to be content with Godliness? Are you content with that?

  7. (V. 1-10) What are some sins that a love for money has pulled you into? 

  8. (V. 11-16) In what ways are you “fighting the good fight of the faith”?

  9. (V. 11-16) How can the Gospel push us into a deeper pursuit of the things listed in V.11?

  10. (V. 17-21) What are some practical ways we can evaluate where our hope is set? 

  11. How does this chapter point back to the Gospel?