Connect Group Guide

During this time, we want to be wise as a church about how we gather and who we gather with. We believe this is the best way to honor God, our leaders, and love our neighbors. The CDC has advised to cancel all gatherings of 10 for the time being so we will not be able to physically gather together on Sunday or in groups. However, we want to encourage you to participate in some form of community. This may look different for everyone. For some, it will be just a family gathering. For others, it can be family, roommates, close friends, and neighbors. However it looks for you, we want to encourage you to be smart in your specific situation. We also want you to be equipped. Here is a guide to help you lead this time.

Pray: Pray and ask God to help you grow and the time spent is glorifying to Him. 

Check-in: Ask one another how they are doing spiritually and how they are fighting sin. 

Scripture: Read the passage and begin discussing it with the guide. 

Pray: Pray for unsaved friends and for anything specific. 

2 Peter 3

Summary: In 2nd Peter, Peter writes to several places encouraging them to live a life that is pleasing to God no matter their circumstances. 

Major Points: 

  1. We should be stirred up and reminded that God is coming back and all things will be made right. The wicked will be judged and all suffering will be gone. 

  2. The Lord always works on His timing, and His timing is the best for us as well. 

  3. We should pursue God and holiness so that we have peace now and are found worthy of the calling God has given us. 

  4. We should always be growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ. 

Question Bank: 

  1. How has your week been spiritually? What has God been teaching you this week?

  2. What sins are you struggling with that you need to confess?

  3. Why do you think it is easy for our flesh to want things made right now? Why do you think we get so near-sighted in life to forget that God will be the judge?

  4. What are some things you would do differently today if you know Jesus was coming back tomorrow? 

  5. Why is it healthy to think Christ may come back any day? How should that drive us to live differently each day?

  6. What areas of your life could you strive more in for holiness? What areas could you fight to be more like Jesus?

  7. Why do you think it is so easy to forget God’s grace? 

  8. How can you personally grow more in knowing God?