Connect Group Guide

                             Be The Church week 11

                                     1 Corinthians 10

Important Announcements!

CGL Christmas Party December 4th, 6:00 pm (more info coming soon)


Choose a couple of your favorite points and questions to discuss from the following. (Don’t use every question)

Major Points 

1.. The Truth of Spiritual Warfare

Pauls specifically says that we don’t wage war the way the world does. The world fights flesh with flesh. In other words, when sinful fleshly things happen the world fights back with sinful fleshly things.

Remember: You can't fight spiritual battles with worldly weapons.

God has given us spiritual weapons to fight with!   (The Spirit, The Word, Prayer)    

Spiritual warfare takes place in our minds!              (Strongholds)

Our fight is against our flesh and the world!            (Sinful nature, Broken world)


- How have you personally seen (or heard) Christians fight a spiritual battle with worldly weapons, and why is it important that we use the    

weapons God has given us instead?

- If a stronghold is a wrong way of thinking that controls how you live, what are some strongholds that you’ve had personally in your life? 

(What are some examples)

2.. Paul’s Example

Paul himself is an example of what not just the Corinthians should look like but also us. His actions matched his words! He was the same in his absence as he was in his presence. He didn’t compare himself with others but compared himself to Jesus! He knew that Christ was the standard, not people. 

His ultimate boast was not in himself but in the lord! 


- Why is a double lifestyle one of the most detrimental things for the life of a Christian?

- Why is it important that we live for and measure up our life to Christ and not the people around us?

- Have you ever personally Compared your lifestyle to other people around you instead of Jesus and the Word of God?

3.. God’s design for us

Vs 15-16 Our hope is that, as your faith continues to grow, our sphere of activity among you will greatly expand, so that we can preach the gospel in the regions beyond you. God wants us to spread the Gospel To everyone around us! Part of a growing faith is the gospel moving forward! If we are growing in faith then we are growing in sharing it with others!


- Has there been any recent opportunities for you to share the Gospel and did you take them or did you fold under pressure?

- What are some opportunities right now in your life to share the Gospel and what are some next steps to take in order to do that?

Vs 17 But, “let the one who boasts boast in the lord.”


- Does your life point others to God’s glory or your own glory? Which one are you living for?