Connect Group Guide

                               Clarity Week 3

                                   Genesis 2



CGL Notes: We live in a world where everyone has an opinion about life and how it should work. Many opinions about what’s right and what’s wrong. We also live in a world where everyone seems to have a platform to voice their opinions. This brings confusion in our world but in the midst of confusion, God’s Word brings clarity! In a world with many voices, we are letting God’s voice speak the loudest!

Read Genesis 2

What does Genesis 2 teach us about God? 

 - What are attributes of God are revealed in this chapter?

What is the significance of God breathing life into Adam? How does this shape our view of our relationship with God and how we view the world?

How does this passage bring clarity to God’s design and call for men and women? How are manhood and womanhood different, and what are some misconceptions about each in our world today?

 - Why do you think man was created first?

What does this passage teach us about God’s design for Marriage? What are some misconceptions about marriage today and how does this passage bring us clarity?

 - What are some common ways we see marriage attacked?

bell  Announcements:

- The Connection Institute launches March 2 and we are offering 3 classes on money, marriage, and missions at the church from 4-6 pm. Sign up on the app for one (this would be a great way to mobilize your group to go deeper). The Institute is all about helping equip our members and grow in God’s design for them.