Connect Group Guide

                           Family Matters Biblical Womanhood

                           Genesis 1:26-31

Important Announcements! 

Student life Scholarships are needed for Connection Students. $500 per student.

Read Genesis 1:26-31

Preferred Questions: 

*These questions are personal. They target the heart and put healthy responsibility on your group to spend time with God and seek the Lord.

Take turns, Go around and have each person answer all 3 questions.

1. How are you doing spiritually? (SPIRITUALLY!!!)

2. What’s one thing that stuck out to you from Genesis 1:26-31 or in the sermon? Why?

3. What’s one thing (sin) you’re struggling with right now that we can pray for you about? 

For the first two weeks in this series divide the group into guys and girls! This will help the men and the women go deeper in conversation concerning biblical manhood and biblical womanhood.

READ Genesis 1:26-31

In This passage, we see that women (and men) are made in the Image of God! It is in a relationship with God that we find our Value and purpose in life. This passage reveals that women are just as valuable and have just as much purpose as men! We are equal in value but different in role! This is just a small passage in light of the entire bible that speaks to the Value and purpose of women in the world and in the Church! 

READ Titus 2:1-5

In this passage, we see a picture of a mature Christian woman! She is reverent in how she lives. She Fights sin. She is a disciple-maker. She is pure & self-controlled.  She is Kind!

Questions For The Women    (Pick a couple of questions specifically for your group!)

What are some of the biggest misconceptions about womanhood in the world today?

How do you prioritize the spiritual health of your household?

What are some things that you prioritize over being a biblical woman that you need to give up?

The mature Christian woman! She is reverent in how she lives. She Fights sin. She is a disciple-maker. She is pure & self-controlled.  She is Kind! Which one of these characteristics do you lack the most? What’s your next step in being the woman that God is calling you to be?

How have you seen others (and yourself) struggle with being a biblical woman?

Questions for the Men

Why is it important for a man to know what biblical womanhood looks like?

Are you helping your Wife be the woman that God has called her to be?

Why is prayer the most important thing you can do when it comes to helping your wife be who God has called her to be?

Spend some time praying for the women in your group to be the women who God has called them to be!

Spend some time praying that God would help you be the husband that He has called you to be!