Connect Group Guide

Joshua 1

Theme: Our theme for this week is “Joshua”. The end of Deuteronomy reveals Moses's death and the leadership of Joshua. Joshua has now been appointed by God to lead the people into the promised land. God speaks to Joshua and commands him to (among many other things) be strong & courageous because God would be with him and would not forsake him. In those instructions is a call to be dependent on God and his provision, which Joshua walked faithfully in. As he leads the people on this journey we get an amazing picture of Christ. All of the things the promised land represents are now found in Jesus so as you study this week, let the Word of God draw you deeper into all that is found in our savior Jesus Christ.

Major Points:

  1. (The call of God) God prepared Joshua for the call he placed on his life. Moses (being used by God of course) had been discipling Joshua before he ever took over. We see Moses open up his personal relationship with God to Joshua which was probably the most intimate part of his life. This is how the kingdom of God is impacted: people doing life with other people. Until we begin to bring people into our life and raise them up the way Moses did for Joshua we will be sidelined in the biggest battle of our lives. God also provided a few promises before calling Joahua. These three promises were the foundation of Joshua’s faith to move toward obedience in what he was called to do:

    1.Victory (I’ve gone before you & the land is already yours)

    2.Security (I will never leave you nor forsake you)

    3.Presence (I will be with you wherever you go) 

    When we begin to become motivated by the promises of God, our lives will begin to be characterized by obedience much like Joshua. Now that God has prepared Joshua, then left his promises, he then commissions Joshua. He says “go and take the promised land”. Since then he has spoken to us the words “go therefore, & make disciples of all nations”. God never calls someone to himself without sending them. The idea that we can follow Jesus and remain neutral in action is a lie directly from satan. Don’t buy into it. 

  1. (The obedience of Joshua) As you discuss this passage try to remember that Joshua is not the main character, the God of Joshua is. However, as you look at the life of Joshua one of the most important things to notice is his obedience to the word of God. Even when obedience didn’t make any sense (crossing the Jordan or Jericho), Joshua knew it was worth it. The idea of walking in obedience today can be difficult. There are tons of distractions and temptations, but if we’re honest those distractions and temptations have been around forever. We allow things around us to pull our focus away from making Gospel decisions that steer us into obedience. We have to begin by figuring out what we treasure most, because until Jesus and his promises are what you treasure most, even if you manage to be obedient it will have been in vain.  

  2. (The picture of Christ) Joshua’s name in Hebrew means “Yahweh is salvation”. There’s a beautiful picture found in the foreshadowing in Joshua of Jesus delivering his people into a place of rest. While Joshua delivered the people into a temporary place of fulfilment and rest in a land, Jesus once and for all delivered his people into a permanent place of fulfilment and rest in himself. When the people of God went into the promised land they were able to rest and no longer had to work to get there. In the same way, when we put our faith in Christ we no longer have to work to get there, we rest in his finished work. He receives the glory when we stop working and laboring to earn salvation and rest in the one who gave it to you by grace. 

 Question Bank: 

  1. How has your week been spiritually? / What is God teaching you?

  2. What sins are you struggling with that you need to confess?

  3. What has God done to prepare you for the call on your life?

  4. What are your next steps to becoming more prepared for that call?

  5. How are you currently preparing others for the work God has called them to?

  6. What areas of your life have revealed disobedience to God’s word?

  7. What happens when disobedience isn’t a priority for someone following Christ?

  8. Outside of yourself, who is someone God is calling you to challenge with obedience? 

  9. What does it mean to rest in Christ?

  10. What are some signs that we are not resting in Christ?

  11. What are some steps to battle that problem?