Kingdom Culture Week 1
Acts 2:42-27
Read Acts 2:42-47, Matthew 22:36-39, Matthew 28:18-20
Preferred Questions: *These questions are personal. They target the heart and put healthy responsibility on your group to spend time with God and seek the Lord. Take turns, Go around, and have each person answer all 3 questions.
1. How are you doing spiritually? (SPIRITUALLY!!!)
2. What stuck out to you this week in the 412 (Bible Recap) or from Sundays sermon?
3. What’s one thing (sin) you’re struggling with right now that we can pray for you about?
Question bank (If Needed) Don't use every Point/Question Choose some favorites based on your group Specifically!
These passages show us some things that Characterize a Great Connect Group!
The Great Commandments! The Great Commission! The Devotion of the Early Church!
What does this passage teach us about God? (What’s the God shot in this passage?)
What stands out the most about the early Church in Acts 2:42-47, and how is it different from your experience with traditional Church in the Bible Belt?
Are the Three Great Commandments (love God, Love others, Make Disciples) true in your life? How do they help us participate in community with other believers? What are some things that get in the way of these commandments?
Which one of these Commandments does your group need to grow in the most this year? What are some things you would like to see happen in Connect group this year?