Romans Week 9
Romans 6:1-14
Read Romans 6:1-14
Preferred Questions: *These questions are personal. They target the heart and put healthy responsibility on your group to spend time with God and seek the Lord. Take turns, Go around, and have each person answer all 3 questions.
1. How are you doing spiritually? (SPIRITUALLY!!!)
2. What stuck out to you this week in the 412 (Bible Recap) or in Romans ch 5:12-21
3. What’s one thing (sin) you’re struggling with right now that we can pray for you about?
Question bank (If Needed) Don't use every Point/Question Choose some favorites based on your group Specifically!
In this passage, Paul shows us that God’s Grace transforms us! Grace is not a license to sin. To abuse Grace is to not understand it or be captured by it. Once we have a head-on collision with Jesus and His Grace it changes us from the inside out!
In what ways have you seen the abuse of Grace in your own life, or in the lives of others?
How is the symbol of Baptism a perfect picture of what Paul is talking about in Romans 6?
How does knowing your identity in Christ compel you to live dead to sin and alive to God?
What does Paul teach us about fighting sin in vs 11-14?