Connect Group Guide

The Best Sermon Ever Preached 

Theme: In Matthew chapters 5-7 Jesus preached the best sermon ever preached! This is the word of God (John 1:1) Preaching a word to the people! Jesus’s point behind this teaching is to point people to the kingdom of God and how kingdom-minded people live on earth as it is in heaven

Major Points:

1. Kingdom people Store up Their Treasures in Heaven

There are two ways that we can live our life. We can (a) Live our life storing up treasures in heaven or we can (b) Live our life storing up treasure on earth. You can live for one or the other, but you can’t live for both! 


People who store up treasures in heaven:

Live for kingdom pursuits

They live sent - on mission for God

They value people’s souls - they invest into the life of others

They see this world as a means to an end

People who live for the world:

They are all about building their best life now. - The American dream

They invest more in temporary things than they do eternal ones.

Their treasure is things that are here one day but gone the next.

3 Indicators that reveal our hearts treasure

1.. Our Heart - What controls your affections

2.. Our Eyes - What you see valuable  

3.. Our Money - What you spend your money on most.


  • Based on these characteristics, what kingdom are you living for, an earthy one or an eternal one?
  • What keeps you from living with the end in mind?
  • What do the three indicators above reveal about your treasure?
  • You can’t take anything with you when you go, but you can send things on ahead of you before you go! How are you investing in eternal treasures right now?

2. Kingdom people choose Faith over Worry

Worry is nothing new in the lives of people! That’s why Jesus addressed it in His Sermon on the Mount. Many things can bring worry into our life, but what we worry about the most is the things were most devoted to.


  • Money

  • Being alone

  • The Future

  • Being accepted

  • Going to the Doctor (Health issues)

  • Losing control

  • God’s will for my life

  • Losing a child

  • Social media

  • The news

These are just a drop in a bucket! 

Jesus Antidote for worry is to seek first the kingdom of God. 

When we experience anxiety and worry, that’s a divine invitation to trust in Jesus. Jesus says Run to me! A lot of times running to Jesus can be our last resort instead of our first response. Run to Jesus!


  • What is it that you worry about the most? 

  • How does worry reveal unbelief our your life?

  • When you experience anxiety and worry, what do you run to first?

  • How does seeking first the kingdom of God help your worry?

3. Kingdom people Build their lives on the teaching of Jesus

Jesus closes his sermon with one simple teaching! Build your life on the teaching of Jesus!

Two steps Jesus tells us to take:

1.. Hear the word

2.. Do what it says

Three ways to Engage

1.. Sunday sermons

2.. 412 reading plan

3.. Connect groups


  • What are you building your life on?

  • On a scale from 0-10 (10 being most important) how important is the word of God in your life?

  • At connection church, we engage in Jesus’s teaching in what we call the BIG 3. (Listed above) Out of these 3 which one are you slacking in the most?