Connect Group Guide

                             The Real Jesus Week 1

                             John 1:1-18


Important Announcements!

Heart and Soul starts Sunday @ 11:00 sign up’s can be done on our Church app.


Choose a couple of your favorite points and questions to discuss from the following. (Don’t use every question)

Major Points 

Jesus - Who he is

The truest thing about Jesus is what He says about himself. Through the pen of John, He shows us who He is.

Jesus is God  vs 1,2,18

Jesus is light vs 4-5,7

Jesus is the word vs 1,14

Jesus is life vs 4

Jesus is creator vs 3


What implications do these truths bring to your life?

Examples: How does knowing Jesus is God change how you see him?

How does knowing Jesus is life change what you look to for satisfaction?

How does knowing Jesus is the word made flesh change the way you read your Bible?

How does knowing that Jesus created you, the world, and everything therein change how you see and what you look to as your purpose in life?

Christians - who we are

Children of the light! Vs 12

When we believe in the light that John testifies about. (Jesus) God gives us the right to become children of God! Children of the light. 

- We can’t inherit it! Vs 13

- We can’t earn it or decide it! Vs 13

- We can only receive it! Vs 16


How does this give you boldness in your salvation and confidence in your walk with God? 

How does knowing the truth change the way you pray during the 21 days of prayer and fasting?

Witnesses - what we do

Much like John the Baptist was a whiteness of the light that came into the world. (Jesus)

We as children of the light are to shine the light everywhere we go!

We are to be witnesses of Jesus and who He is and what He’s done, and what He offers the world around us to those that believe in Him for who He is and what He’s done!


How does this change your ultimate purpose in your everyday life?

What are some things that keep you from being a whiteness to the people around you?