Connect Group Guide

                            The Real Jesus Week 11

                           John 6:1-40

Important Announcements! 

Student life Scholarships are needed for Connection Students. $500 per student.

Read John 6:1-40

Preferred Questions: 

*These questions are personal. They target the heart and put healthy responsibility on your group to spend time with God and seek the Lord.

Take turns, Go around and have each person answer all 3 questions.

1. How are you doing spiritually? (SPIRITUALLY!!!)

2. What’s one thing that stuck out to you from John 6:1-40 or in the sermon? Why?

3. What’s one thing (sin) you’re struggling with right now that we can pray for you about? 

Question bank (If Needed) Don't use every Point/Question Choose some favorites based on your group Specifically!

This passage teaches us that it is possible to be a fan of Jesus and not be a true follower. This is a miracle that all four Gospels include in their writings! John 6 includes the first of seven ‘I AM” statements. Jesus says in vs 35 “I am the bread of life.” In the same way that God brought down bread from heaven in Exodus 16 to provide for His people in the wilderness, Jesus has come down from heaven to provide spiritual life (Eternal life) for His people! This passage is more than a physical feeding, it is a spiritual message! There are many great truths and takeaways from this passage!

Vs 27 Teaches us to fight against the drift of believing this world will give us life.

what are some examples, or ways that you buy into the lie that this world can give you something that Jesus can’t and how does verse 27 combat that lie?

Vs 2 & 26 teach us that it is possible to be amazed by Jesus and still not follow Him.

What is the difference between being a fan of Jesus and being a true follower of Jesus? How have you seen fan-ship play out in the bible belt specifically?

Vs 38-40 show us that being united with Christ gives us eternal security in our salvation.

How do these verses bring you comfort in your walk with Christ and how does this truth grow you as a follower of Jesus?

Vs 11 & 13 show us that Jesus used the hands and feet of His disciples to multiply bread to the crowd. What does this teach you about the purpose of your life as a disciple of Christ?

Vs 28-29 show us that the work God requires (the way to salvation) is to believe in Jesus!

How does Jesus answer combat self works righteousness and what does true belief in Jesus look like?