Connect Group Guide

                           The Real Jesus Week 30

                           John 16:16-33

Read John 16:16-33

Preferred Questions: 

*These questions are personal. They target the heart and put healthy responsibility on your group to spend time with God and seek the Lord.

Take turns, Go around, and have each person answer all 3 questions.

1. How are you doing spiritually? (SPIRITUALLY!!!)

2. What’s one thing that stuck out to you from John 16:16-33 or in the sermon? Why?

3. What’s one thing (sin) you’re struggling with right now that we can pray for you about? 

Question bank (If Needed) Don't use every Point/Question Choose some favorites based on your group Specifically!

Jesus shows us in this passage that trials and suffering may be promised, however, trials and suffering do have purpose! 

This passage shows us that the thought of Jesus being removed from the disciple's lives created panic. The thought of not having Jesus troubled them.

Question: Would Jesus being removed from your life bother you? Would it change your life any at all?

Vs 33 states that

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world.” In the same breath, Jesus promises trouble, and he promises peace and victory. 

Question: How have you experienced trials and sufferings in this world, and how has God used them in your life? How does/can God bring us peace and victory through trials and sufferings?

Vs 21 shows us that we can endure suffering by focusing on the Joy that in the other side of it! Ex: Hebrews 12:2 says that it was “for the Joy set before Christ that he endured the cross.” It was through suffering that Jesus accomplished our salvation.

How does this change your outlook on trials and suffering in light of eternity?