Connect Group Guide

1 Samuel 16-17

Theme: This week in our “knowing God” series, we will be focusing on the call of David. God has rejected Saul as king and instructed Samuel to go to Jesse and anoint one of his son’s as the new king. There was some confusion as to which son God would choose because David was the least of his sons in an earthly sense. In doing this God teaches us many important truths about not only himself, but also about how we can practically live out our faith each day.

Major Points:

  1. (The Call of David ) 

In the call of David, we learn a few things about God. 

  • God looks at the heart:

When seeking a king, the people of Israel wanted someone who looked and acted like a king on the outside. This all backfired when Saul’s heart began to show. Although Saul had it going on with appearances, he was corrupted on the inside and it eventually revealed itself in his actions. In contrast to that we see God anoint David, who by appearance was the last option (Jesse didn’t even bring him to the table when Samuel came). Outward appearance was not a concern God had. Christians today know this problem all too well. Many are obsessed with appearing to have it all together physically, matterialy, socially, and even religiously. This should call into question the motives behind why we do the things we do and live the way we live. A love for God should be the driving force of our decisions, our “i have to” should become “i get to”.  Always remember, God doesn’t need your help, he wants your heart.

  • God does extraordinary things with ordinary people

This is the theme throughout the bible. God chooses those we would never choose. God has never called us to be allstars, he has called us to be faithful. It’s not about some earth shattering mega difference you have to make in the world, it’s about a constant simple step of obedience into the things God is putting before you. Jesse’s last pick was God’s first choice. Many of us feel as though we aren’t equipped to make an impact in the kingdom. My encouragement is to remember that it isn’t about your power and ability, but about God’s power and ability working through someone who otherwise couldn't accomplish the task. 

  • God gives us what we need to fulfill his purpose

The most amazing thing about David was that God was with him. Even before David was king God was preparing him in the sheep pen. The same is true in your life. God has been working since the beginning of our lives to prepare us for the tasks we have been called to. When we press into a relationship with God we are supplied with his presence, power, and preparation. 

  1. (The Character of David)  

David was a humble servant who had a bold faith and feared God more than man. Even after being anointed king, he went back to the fields to shepherd sheep. He willingly carried the food to feed his brothers. He also willingly stepped into the battle to fight for the Lord. Even deeper than that, David was faithful in the sheep fields when no one was looking. David has shown that to be faithful in the big things, we have to be faithful in the small things when no one is looking. This is how David was able to be faithful in the big things, like in the face of Goliath. David’s fear of God over man led him into obedience to God which was his greatest blessing. Just look back at Saul, the fear of man and opinion led him to disobedience and ultimately rebellion towards God.   

  1. (The Champion We Need)

This story isn’t about lifting up the name of David. This story is a picture of Jesus. Goliath is a picture of sin and David is a picture of Jesus defeating our greatest enemy. You are not the David of this story. You cannot defeat the giant of sin in your life, you need to be saved from it. When we look at David we should be reminded that a better David came for us because even David couldn’t save the people of God.


 Question Bank: 

  1. How has your week been spiritually? / What is God teaching you?

  2. What sins are you struggling with that you need to confess?

  3. How has a concern for outward appearance hindered your relationship with God?

  4. What would God say about your heart at this moment?

  5. What are some other stories from scripture of God doing something amazing with an ordinary person?

  6. What is God trying to do through you right now?

  7. What characteristics of David do you feel you desperately desire?

  8. If service is the heart of God, are you a man/woman after God’s heart?

  9. If someone was writing about you, what are the characteristics they might use and how does that convict you to change some things?

  10. Explain how God paints a picture of Jesus in this story. 

  11. How do we use this story to shape our view of Christ and shape us more into His image?