The focus of this family time is to use five easy steps to teach our children that when they follow Jesus they can become more like Him, which is the greatest treasure they could ever have.
Learn the Memory Verse together and say it throughout the week to help your family remember and apply what they have learned.
"When you look for me (unroll pretend map)
with all your heart, (pat heart)
you will find me.” (point toward heaven)
Jeremiah 29:13
“Your word to me, your servant, (make hands into a book)
is like pure gold; (rub fingers together)
I treasure what you say.” (cross hands on chest)
Psalm 119:140 (CEV)
Say” You’ve talked about pirates at church…
If you were sailing on a pirate ship, what would you take with you?
In your best pirate voice, tell us your favorite story from the Bible. Why is it your favorite?
- Sing and have fun while worshiping then pray. Take a moment here to thank God for your family and your time together!!
Read aloud Genesis 1 or Watch
Elementary Story:
Read Mark 1:16-20, 3:13-19 or
Read: “Every place Jesus went, he told the people, “Turn back to God.” One day in Galilee, Jesus was walking along the shore of the lake. He saw two brothers. One was Peter and the other was Andrew. They were throwing a big net into the lake to catch fish. Jesus said to them, “Come with me. I will teach you how to bring in people instead of fish.” The two brothers dropped their nets and went with them. Jesus walked on until he saw James and John, the sons of Zebedee. They were in a boat with their father, mending their nets. Jesus asked then to come with him, too. Right away, the brothers left their father and went with Jesus. After a while, Jesus had chosen eight more men to go with him and tell the people about God. Their names were Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James ( the son of Alphaeus), Thaddaeus, Simon, and Judas Iscariot. The twelve men became his students, his special disciples. Jesus taught them God wanted them to know.”
Use these questions and points to have a conversation with your children about the Bible story.
- In the beginning, did God have a big plan to make the world? (Yes)
- What are some things God made? (Sun, moon, clouds, oceans, sky, plants, mountains, fish, birds, animals, etc.)
- What was the most wonderful creature God made? (A person) That’s right! God made each of you!
When we look around & see all the things God made, then we know that God REALLY did make all the things in our Bible story.Why was it necessary for Jesus to die on the cross?
- Where was Jesus walking when He saw Peter and Andrew? (Along the shore of a lake)
- True or False: Peter and Andrew were catching butterflies when Jesus saw them. (False; they were catching fish)
- What did Jesus tell them He would teach them to fish for instead of fish? (People)
- True or False: All the men dropped what they were doing and started following Jesus. (True; they left their old lives and followed Jesus)
- Did Jesus teach the twelve disciples everything God wanted them to know or all the words in the dictionary? (Everything God wanted them to know)
Just like Jesus invited the twelve disciples to follow Him, He also invites us to follow Him with our lives! That means we stop just living however we want and start following Jesus!
STEP 5. Pray!
- Pray aloud, asking God to continue to help your family learn about Jesus and his invitation to them. Ask God to help your family see their need to follow Jesus!