“The Bible says Jesus Died for Me!” and "God is Always Good, Even When Times Are Tough!"
The focus of this family time is to use five easy steps to teach our children that when they follow Jesus they can become more like Him, which is the greatest treasure they could ever have.
Learn the Memory Verse together and say it throughout the week to help your family remember and apply what they have learned.
"When you look for me (unroll pretend map)
with all your heart, (pat heart)
you will find me.” (point toward heaven)
Jeremiah 29:13
“Your word to me, your servant, (make hands into a book)
is like pure gold; (rub fingers together)
I treasure what you say.” (cross hands on chest)
Psalm 119:140 (CEV)
Have each family member choose a number between 1 and 5, and then play TRUTH or DARE based on the number they choose!
1 - TRUTH: What do you love about church? DARE: Balance a spoon on your nose.
2 - TRUTH: What is your favorite way to celebrate? DARE: Pat your head and rub your stomach at the same time.
3 - TRUTH: What’s your favorite food to eat at parties? DARE: Do your best dance moves.
4 - TRUTH: What is one thing you want to thank God for? DARE: Go outside and shout, “Jesus loves you!”
5 - TRUTH: What is something you love about your family? DARE: Tell everyone in the room one thing you love about them.
- Sing and have fun while worshiping then pray. Take a moment here to thank God for your family and your time together!!
Use these questions and points to have a conversation with your children about the Bible story.
- What did Judas say he’d help the leaders do? (Capture Jesus)
- • Who was Jesus talking to when He prayed? (God, His Father)
- • Jesus told God He was ready to die for you and me.
- • Jesus was ready to die to save us from what? (Our sins—all the wrong things we do)
- • Did the leaders believe that Jesus was really God’s Son? (No)
- • What happened when the soldiers took Jesus? (Made him carry cross, nailed Him to cross, Jesus died on the cross)
- • Can you show me how the people who loved Jesus felt? (Sad faces)
- • But what did they forget? (Jesus said He would see them soon!)
Say: It’s sad that Jesus died, but we don’t have to be sad because we know Jesus came back to life! Jesus died for you and me because He loves us, & He wanted to take the punishment for sin. Jesus died for you & me! Do this with me:
The Bible Says (hold out hands like book)
Jesus (point up)
Died (reach arms straight out to sides, like cross)
For Me! (thumbs to chest)
- True or False: A gang of men with clubs and swords came after Jesus. (True) Did the men grab Jesus and take Him to get ice cream? (No; they took Jesus to jail)
- What did Jesus’ enemies say He was guilty of? (Making people turn against the emperor) Was Jesus actually guilty of this? (No) Do you think this was tough for Jesus? (Allow kids to respond)
- True or False: the soldiers treated Jesus nicely. (False; they made Him wear a crown of thorns, made fun of Him, and beat Him with whips)
- What did Jesus say when the sky got dark? (“Father, I put myself in your hands”)
- Do you know why Jesus died on the cross? (It was God’s plan for you and me) Even though Jesus faced tough times, did God make it good in the end? (Yes. He forgave our sins.)
- Say: Life is going to be tough and there will be times when we don’t understand how God can be good. But when we follow Jesus, we see that Jesus trusted God’s plan and we can trust Him too. We know that God is always good, even when times are tough.
That’s what we need to know today:
“God Is Always Good, Even When Times Are Tough!”
STEP 5. Pray!
- Jesus, thank you for following God’s plan to die for my sins even though it was tough. Help me remember that God is always good, even when times are tough! Amen.