“The Bible says Jesus is Alive!” and "When I Follow Jesus, I Celebrate Because He Is Alive!"
The focus of this family time is to use five easy steps to teach our children that when they follow Jesus they can become more like Him, which is the greatest treasure they could ever have.
Learn the Memory Verse together and say it throughout the week to help your family remember and apply what they have learned.
"When you look for me (unroll pretend map)
with all your heart, (pat heart)
you will find me.” (point toward heaven)
Jeremiah 29:13
“Your word to me, your servant, (make hands into a book)
is like pure gold; (rub fingers together)
I treasure what you say.” (cross hands on chest)
Psalm 119:140 (CEV)
PLAY "Two Truths and a False Fact" with the group by having each person share two things about themselves that are true and one thing that is made up. Then, HAVE the rest of the group guess which fact is made up!
- Sing and have fun while worshiping then pray. Take a moment here to thank God for your family and your time together!!
Use these questions and points to have a conversation with your children about the Bible story.
- After Jesus’ friends put His body in the tomb, who guarded the tomb? (Soldiers)
- Who did God send to push the stone away from the tomb? (An angel)
- What did the angel say? (Jesus is ALIVE!)
We’ve made a discovery! The Bible Says Jesus Is Alive!
Do this with me:
The Bible Says (hold out hands like book)
Jesus (point up)
Is Alive! (lift palms from low to above head)
- What did Mary Magdalene see at the tomb? (That the stone was rolled away)
- True or False: Jesus was inside the tomb. (False; Jesus was not there!) Where do
- you think Jesus went?
- Who did Mary see outside the tomb after talking to the angel? (Jesus) What would you do if you were talking to someone who died three days earlier? (Allow kids to answer) Do you think Mary was celebrating that Jesus was alive? (Yes!) Can we celebrate that Jesus is alive? (Yes!)
- True or False: Jesus visited the disciples. (True) Do you think they celebrated that Jesus was alive? (Yes!)
- Have you ever met someone who can come back from the dead? (No; only Jesus can do that) Should we celebrate that Jesus is alive now? (Yes!)
Say: Jesus died on the cross to forgive our sins, but He is alive now! God raised Jesus from the dead, and we can celebrate because He is alive!
That’s what we need to know today: “When I Follow Jesus, I Celebrate Because He Is Alive!”
STEP 5. Pray!
- Heavenly Father, thank you for sending Jesus to take the punishment for my sin. It makes me celebrate knowing He did not stay dead, but He is alive! Thank you for loving me so much! Amen.