“The Bible Says Jesus is Coming Soon!" and “When I Follow Jesus, I Share His Good News With The World!”
The focus of this family time is to use five easy steps to teach our children that when they follow Jesus they can become more like Him, which is the greatest treasure they could ever have.
Learn the Memory Verse together and say it throughout the week to help your family remember and apply what they have learned.
"When you look for me (unroll pretend map)
with all your heart, (pat heart)
you will find me.” (point toward heaven)
Jeremiah 29:13
“Your word to me, your servant, (make hands into a book)
is like pure gold; (rub fingers together)
I treasure what you say.” (cross hands on chest)
Psalm 119:140 (CEV)
PLAY “NOSEY COIN” Let each family member try to balance a coin on their nose as long as possible while answering the question “Where is a place you can share the good news of Jesus’ love with people?” (Home, school, etc.)
- Sing and have fun while worshiping then pray. Take a moment here to thank God for your family and your time together!!
Use these questions and points to have a conversation with your children about the Bible story.
- When John was on the island, who visited him with a special message? (An angel & Jesus)
- Did Jesus show John any sad people in heaven? (No! Jesus said there would be no sadness or crying or pain in heaven!)
- What did Jesus promise John? (He is coming back soon)
We’ve seen that Jesus is in heaven, but He’s coming back soon. That is good news that we can share with everyone we meet!
We’ve made a discovery! Do this with me:
The Bible Says (hold out hands like book)
Jesus (point up)
Is Coming Soon! (reach up, hands open & pull down twice)
- When John was on the island, who visited him with a special message? (An angel & Jesus)
- Did Jesus show John any sad people in heaven? (No! Jesus said there would be no sadness or crying or pain in heaven!)
- What did Jesus promise John? (He is coming back soon)
- What did Jesus do that He wants us to tell everyone about? (He died on the cross for our sins and forgives us so that we can live in Heaven with Him!)
- Where was Jesus taken until He comes back to Earth one day? (To Heaven)
- Who are some people you can tell about the good news of Jesus’ love? (Parents, friends, etc.)
STEP 5. Pray!
- Jesus, help us to follow you each day of our life. Give us the courage to share the good news of your love with the world! Amen.