Best Gift Ever - Week 3:
The focus of this family time is to use five easy steps to teach our family that the reason we celebrate Christmas is because of the gift God gave to us when He gave us Jesus!
Learn the Memory Verse together and say it throughout the week to help your family remember and apply what they have learned.
“Every good (two thumbs up)
and perfect gift (hands out, palms up)
is from God.” (both hands point up)
James 1:17 (make book with hands)
Use this time to begin Family Worship Night and have fun!
Play Guess the Gift:
Have your family guess what gift you are describing by the hints below:
- You use this to play a game. • You can play by yourself or with other players. • It connects to a console and a TV. (Answer: Video Game Controller)
- This toy is a puzzle you try to solve. It is a common 3-dimensional shape. The goal is to move around this toy until all the squares on a side are the same color. (Answer: Rubics Cube)
- These hurt your feet when you step on them. They come in a lot of colors and sizes. These are small toys that you put together to build things. (Answer: Legos)
- This toy is squishy and fun to play with. It comes in different colors. You can mold all kinds of shapes and objects with it. When you clean it up, you want to make sure the lid is on tight so it doesn’t dry out. (Answer: Play Doh)
- This toy comes in a lot of little pieces that are all mixed up in the box. You move the pieces around to see how they all fit together. You put the pieces together to make a picture. If you lose just one piece, you will be missing a part of your picture. (Answer: a puzzle)
- This is something you play with outside. It’s best to wear a helmet when playing with this toy. This toy has four small wheels. You can stand on it and test out your balance when you ride this toy. (Answer: Skateboard)
- Sing and have fun while worshiping then pray. Take a moment here to thank God for your family and your time together!!
Genesis 2-3, Isaiah 7:14, Micah 5:2, Luke 1:26-55, 2:1-20, Matthew 1:18-25, 2:1-11
Use these questions and points to have a conversation with your children about the Bible story.
- Did Adam and Eve obey the rule God gave them? (No)
- Did God promise to send a reindeer or Jesus to save people from their sins? (God promised to send Jesus)
- And did God keep His promise? (Yes) Yes!
- God sent Jesus to be with us, take the punishment for our sin, and then come back to life so that we can be friends with God forever.
STEP 5. Pray!
- Hey God! Thank You for the fun we have celebrating that Jesus is the best gift ever! Thank You for sending Him to save us so that we can be with You forever. We love You! Amen.