Family Worship

God Used Samson:    

The focus of this family time is to use five easy steps to teach your family that Samson’s sin led to his own death, but God used his death to save the Israelites from their enemies. Samson’s story reminds us of Jesus. Jesus never sinned, but God sent Him to die on the cross and rise again to rescue people from sin and give them eternal life.

Learn the Memory Verse together and say it throughout the week to help your family remember and apply what they have learned.


"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God

is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." 

- Romans 6:23


Use this time to begin Family Worship Night and have fun!

  • Work as a family to make a cake. Let kids choose the icing and decorations that will go on the cake. If you cannot bake a cake, ask everyone what is their favorite kind of cake is and why. Talk about how each story we’ve been learning shows us God’s love as He saves people from their enemies, but—like slices of a cake—those stories are meant to point us to the bigger story of God’s great love and His ultimate act of salvation through the work of Jesus.


  • Sing and have fun while worshiping then pray. Take a moment here to thank God for your family and your time together!! 


Watch the Bible story video or read Judges 13-16 from the Bible:




Use these questions and points to have a conversation with your children about the Bible story. 

  • Use these questions and points to have a conversation with your children about the Bible story. 
  • Have you ever been in the kitchen when your mom is icing a cake that smells and looks delicious? You’d give anything just for a bite, and then it happens—she lets you lick the icing off the utensils! As good as licking the icing is, it’s still nothing like getting to enjoy the whole cake. The icing is just a taste of something that will be better later.
  • In the story of Samson, we can clearly see details that remind us of Jesus’ story: Samson’s birth was announced by who? An angel!
  • He was betrayed with a kiss for pieces of what? Silver
  • He was arrested and mocked, and his death freed people from their captivity. But in the end, Samson wasn’t perfect; therefore, his death didn’t give the people complete salvation. Only who could do that? Jesus!
  • The freedom the people found in Samson’s death was just a taste of the greater freedom that comes through Jesus. Through His death, we can have complete forgiveness and salvation. There is no sweeter name than the name of ________? Jesus!
  • Samson’s sin led to his own death, but God used his death to save the Israelites from their enemies. Samson’s story reminds us of Jesus. Jesus never sinned, but God sent Him to die on the cross and rise again to rescue people from sin and give them eternal life.

STEP 5. Pray!
  • Pray: God, thank You for giving us glimpses of Your plan through stories like Samson’s. Every story points us to the greatest story of how You sent Jesus to save everyone who believes in Him!