Family Worship

The Big Picnic

The focus of this family time is to use five easy steps to teach your family that Paul prayed for people to share Jesus.


“O ... LORD! You made the heavens and earth ... Nothing is too hard for you!” 

Jeremiah 32:17

Learn the Memory Verse together and say it throughout the week to help your family remember and apply what they have learned.


When there’s a problem, give God what you have. He can take what you give Him to take care of the problem!

You’ll Need

• A snack that comes in small pieces (such as cereal, grapes, crackers, etc.)


1. Give everyone one or two pieces of snack food.

2. Talk about the following questions:

• Will this little snack fill up our hungry tummies?

• If someone didn’t have any lunch would you share with them?

• If Jesus needed your Lunch would you give it to him?



Use these questions and points to have a conversation with your children about the Bible story.


Question Who was hungry? Everyone

Action Rub your tummy like you’re hungry.

Question Who gave their little lunch to Jesus? The boy

Action Count to five on your fingers for the bread, and count to two for the fish.

Question Who did Jesus thank for the food? God

Action Pretend to be Jesus’ disciple and hand the food out to everyone.

Question Did anyone leave hungry? No

Action Pretend to eat lots and lots of food.

Question How many baskets of leftover bread and fish were there? Twelve

Action Pretend to put leftover bread and fish in a basket.


Mission Moment

Corrie ten Boom

Do you like hiding? Do you have a favorite hiding place? Behind the sofa? Under the bed? In the wardrobe?
Corrie ten Boom had a very special hiding place - a tiny little space in her bedroom. It was hidden and secret. Corrie's hiding place wasn't for playing games - it was for keeping people safe. Corrie's family lived in Holland. Bad people took over the country and did bad things.

They wanted to kill all Jewish people (who come from the family of Abraham in the Old Testament). Corrie's family were Jesus friends and knew Jesus thought this was very wrong. They looked after as many Jewish people as they could. They fed them, they hid them and they helped them escape.
One day soldiers came. They sent the whole family to prison for helping the Jews - but the Jewish people were safe in Corrie's special hiding place. Corrie and her sister Betsie weren't safe. In prison they were cold; they were hungry; they were ill; they were treated very badly. Betsie told Corrie that their friend Jesus was with them - even when they were cold, hungry. ill and badly treated. Betsie told Corrie that Jesus wanted her to love, not hate.

Betsie died in prison. But when Corrie was set free she spent her whole life teling her story, telling how Jesus was with her when she Was cold, ill and hungry: telling how we should always love and not hate - just like her friend jesus.

    STEP 5. Pray!

Ask kids what they want to talk to God about, and pray with them.