Family Worship

The Big Picnic

The focus of this family time is to use five easy steps to teach your family that we learn from Jesus and live God’s way, it’s like building a house on a strong rock! 


John 13:13 NIRV “You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord.’ ... That is what I am. 

Learn the Memory Verse together and say it throughout the week to help your family remember and apply what they have learned.


Look in the Bible! That’s one way Jesus can teach us. When you learn from Jesus in the Bible, you’ll learn how to live God’s way! 

You’ll Need

• A Bible (a paper Bible or Bible App open on a mobile device)


1. Hide the Bible.

2. Tell everyone in your family to look for the Bible.

3. If someone is close to the Bible, tell them they’re getting warmer or that they’re hot.

4. If someone is far away from the Bible, tell them they’re cold.

5. When someone finds the Bible, play again or read a story about Jesus in the Bible together.



Use these questions and points to have a conversation with your children about the Bible story.

Question Where did Jesus teach about God? Wherever He was

Action Point to your ears to show you listen to Jesus.

Question Who said we need to put God first? Jesus

Action Hold up one finger to show God is number one.

Question Where did the man build the house? On a rock

Action Use your fist as a hammer to pretend to build a house on a rock.

Question Was it a good idea for the man to build his house on the sand? No

Action Fall to the ground like the house built on sand.

Question If you don’t obey Jesus, are you building on rock or sand? Sand

Mission Moment

Amy Carmichael


Have you ever felt embarrassed? Was it something you did or said? Did your face go pink?

One day Amy Carmichael felt embarrassed. She helped a poor, shabby, dirty woman. That was a good and kind thing to do, but Amy was embarrassed because her friends saw her with such a poor, shabby, dirty person. Then Amy remembered her friend Jesus and how he loved poor, shabby and dirty people as much as he loved her. So Amy decided to help poor, shabby and dirty people, and tell them all about her friend Jesus. First Amy helped poor people near her home in Belfast in Northern Ireland. Then she helped poor people in Manchester in England. Then She decided to help poor people in other countries and tell them about her friend Jesus. She travelled to Japan and then to India. in India Amy cared for the poorest of the poor and the shabblest of the shabby - little girls whose parents were so poor they gave their daughters to Hindu temples. These little girls were treated very badly and had to do some very bad things. Amy rescued them, cared for them and told them all about Jesus. When Amy became too iIl to work, she wrote books and songs and poems to help even more people trust her friend Jesus.

Pray! Ask kids what they want to talk to God about, and pray with them.

    STEP 5. Pray!

Ask kids what they want to talk to God about, and pray with them.