Family Worship

Wise Up

The focus of this family time is to use five easy steps to teach your family that God wants us to think about the voice of wisdom, which calls out to everyone to listen to and learn God’s ways.


“Listen to God’s words and do not turn from them.” Proverbs 4:5

Learn the Memory Verse together and say it throughout the week to help your family remember and apply what they have learned.


Have kids stand against the walls of the room and have two leaders stand in the middle of the room with space between them.

God’s Word tells us that Wisdom stands out in the open where everyone can find her—just like we are! It also says she invites people to come learn from her. Today you’re going to get the chance to learn from your leaders. We’re going to play a game. We’re each going to say something. You must decide which of us has said something that is true and right. Once you have heard what both leaders have to say, you will run to the leader whom you think said something right and true. 

  • Leader 1: God made the world.
  • Leader 2: The world created itself.
  • Allow kids to respond by running to either leader. Right, God made the world! Leader 1 was speaking with wisdom!
  • Leader 1: God’s Word is called the Babble.
  • Leader 2: God’s Word is called the Bible.
  • Allow kids to respond by running to either leader. Right, God’s Word is called the Bible! Leader 2 was speaking with wisdom!
  • Leader 1: Tac is a dog.
  • Leader 2: Tac is a cat.
  • Allow kids to respond by running to either leader. Right, Tac is a curious cat! Leader 2 was speaking with wisdom!
  • Leader 1: We should listen to what our parents say.
  • Leader 2: We shouldn’t listen to what our parents say
  • Allow kids to respond by running to either leader. The Bible tells us to obey our mom and dad. We should listen to what they say! Leader 1 was speaking with wisdom!
  • Leader 1: God loves everyone.
  • Leader 2: God only loves some of us. 
  • Allow kids to respond by running to either leader. God loves all of us! Leader 1 was speaking with wisdom!
  • Leader 1: God wants us to listen to wisdom. 
  • Leader 2: God does not want us to listen to wisdom.

Allow kids to respond by running to either leader. Our Wonder Truth for today says God wants us to listen to wisdom. Leader 1 was speaking with wisdom!

God job listening for Wisdom to speak! The Bible tells us about God’s wisdom, and we should listen to it. God wants us to listen to His wisdom. 




Use these questions and points to have a conversation with your children about the Bible story.



  • What words does Solomon use to describe Wisdom? (Wise, honest, true)
  • What does Solomon say Wisdom is more valuable than? (Rubies, gold, silver)
  • Who can help us make hard decisions? (Wisdom, God)
  • Does Wisdom hide from everyone? (No, she stands in the open for all to find.)
  • In what book of the Bible does Solomon teach us about Wisdom? (Proverbs)
  • When might you need to listen to God’s wisdom?
  • What is something wise that you’ve learned from God or a godly person? 

We all have times when we need to ask God for help and listen to what He says. God wants us to listen to Wisdom.

Mission Moment

Charles Spurgeon


Do you like talking and chatting and telling people things? Charles Spurgeon was very good at talking, but not just about anything. Charles Spurgeon was very good at talking about his friend Jesus. Charles became Jesus' friend When he was fifteen. Just a few months later he gave his first talk about Jesus in church. Just a few months after that he was asked to lead the church! More and more people came to hear Charles - they loved to hear him talk about Jesus. Soon Charles was asked to lead a big church in London. After just a few months the building was not big enough for everyone who wanted to hear Charles talk about Jesus, so they built a bigger one - for thousands of people! Newspapers printed Charles talks so that people could read them too. In his talks Charles told people how to become Jesus' friends. In his talks Charles told Jesus' friends how They could love and trust him more. In his talks Charles helped people understand God's word the Bible. He set up a college to help more people teach the Bible like he did.

Some important people didn't like Charles - they said his talks were too exciting without any long words and too much of the Bible but ordinary people loved him for telling them about Jesus.

STEP 5. Pray!

"God, help us always listen to Your Wisdom. Help us to remember that what You say is always wise, always honest, and always true. When we aren’t sure what to do, help us listen to what You have to say. In Jesus’ name, Amen."

Encourage the kids to hold their hands out in front of them, with palms up, as if their hands were open to receive something. Tell them to listen and receive the blessing as you speak it over them. 

Blessing: May you go forth this week listening for God’s Wisdom. May you know that He will only speak what is wise, what is honest, and what is true. May you always be willing to listen to what He says.