Family Worship

My life can tell of God’s Wonder

The focus of this family time is to use five easy steps to teach your family that God created a good world. Most special of all, He made humans in His image, but sin kept people from living as God made them. But Jesus changes everything. Through Him, we are invited into God’s family!


“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” 1 Peter 2:9a

Learn the Memory Verse together and say it throughout the week to help your family remember and apply what they have learned.


Pose the following “I’m curious” questions. Say “I’m curious …” before each question and give kids a chance to think about and answer each one. 

I’m curious ... 

  • What does the word family mean to you?
  • Who is someone you aren’t related to but who is like family to you?  


Sing and have fun while worshiping then pray. Take a moment here to thank God for your family and your time together!!


Watch the Bible Story video, and use these questions and points to have a conversation with your children about the Bible story.



Use these questions and points to have a conversation with your children about the Bible story.

  • What are some things God created? What makes humans more special than anything else He created?
  • What did God create people to do?
  • What gets in the way of us pointing people back to God?
  • Who died and rose again to defeat sin so we can be a part of God’s family?
  • What does it mean to be God’s kid?
  • What are some good things that come with being a part of God’s family?

God created people in His image, to point back to God through the way we live. Sin—the wrong things we do—keeps us from doing this. But Jesus broke sin’s power and made a way for us to become God’s kids.

Mission Moment

C. T. Studd


Do you have a favorite sport? Football? Tennis? Maybe cricket? In England, a hundred and fifty years ago, cricket was the favorite sport. If you were good at cricket you were a hero - and C. T. Studd was the best cricketer in the whole country! C. T. was Jesus' friend, but he was so busy playing cricket and being rich and famous that he sometimes forgot he was Jesus' friend at all.

Then, one day, C. T.'s brother nearly died. C. T. realized that his brother would not last forever; cricket would not last forever; fame and fortune would not last forever; only his friend Jesus would last forever: So C. T. decided to live his life telling people about Jesus. He gave up cricket; he gave up fame; he even gave away all his money - and went to China to tell people about Jesus.

He was very lIl and came home to England. His friends thought he would stay and rest, and be safe and comfortable - but C. T. wanted to keep telling people about Jesus. He went to India to tell people about Jesus there. He was very ill again and came home - maybe this time he would stay, But C. T. went to the very middle of Africa to tell people there about his friend Jesus. He knew that being Jesus friend was better than fame, fortune and even cricket.

STEP 5. Pray!

Dear God, thank You for giving us wisdom and showing us how to live. Thank You for leading us with Your Holy Spirit in all situations. Help us remember to always turn to You and seek Your wisdom . In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Encourage the kids to hold their hands out in front of them, with palms up, as if their hands were open to receive something. Tell them to listen and receive the blessing as you speak it over them.  

Blessing: May God help you listen to wisdom. May He teach you to speak words of truth and do what is right, as wise people do. And may you share God’s wisdom with others wherever you go.