Family Worship


The focus of this family time is to use five easy steps to teach your family that sin in the world increases so greatly God chooses to destroy the world in a flood. Still, He remains faithful and honors righteousness by saving Noah and his family and establishing a covenant promise with them.


“Know that the Lord your God is God, He is the faithful God.” Duet 7:9

Learn the Memory Verse together and say it throughout the week to help your family remember and apply what they have learned.


  • SUPPLIES: disposable cups (1 per pair of kids)
  • For this activity, have kids get into pairs. In this game, you’ll all compete against your partners. To begin, you’ll stand facing one another with a cup on the floor between you. I’ll call out either “head,” “shoulders,” or “knees,” and you’ll use both hands to touch the body part I call out. You’ll touch your own head, shoulder, or knees when I call out each part. If I call out “cup,” you’ll rush to try and grab the cup before your partner.
  • Give the commands—head, shoulders, or knees—in random order. When you say, “cup,” remind the kids to reach down for the cup on the floor. The kid who grabs the cup first is the winner of that round. Play several rounds.
  • You all did a great job playing that game! Now, it may have been tempting to reach down and grab the cup before you heard that word called, but that wouldn’t have been the right way to play. We will learn today in God’s big story about Noah, who did what was right even when those around him didn’t. Noah believed in God and trusted Him. We also can do what is right with the Holy Spirit’s help. We can trust that God is always faithful to us. He sees when we do right and honors it.




Use these questions and points to have a conversation with your children about the Bible story.



  • Who was the one man who loved and obeyed God in our story today? (Noah)
  • How did God protect Noah and his family? (by telling Noah to build an ark)
  • What is the promise that God made with Noah? (that He would never flood the whole earth again)
  • Is it easy or hard to do the right thing? Why?
  • How does it make you feel to know that God sees when you do what is right and honors you?
  • Have you ever done the right thing even when others weren’t? How do you think God feels when you do that? 

Noah loved, obeyed, and trusted God. God honored Noah by protecting and blessing him and his family because God honors right living.

Mission Moment

Hudson Taylor


Do you like dressing up? What is your favorite costume - a princess, or a super hero, or a cowboy? Hudson Taylor dressed up, but not just for fun. Hudson Taylor wore afferent clothes to help him tell people about his friend Jesus. Hudson knew that everyone in every country in the world needed to hear how they could be Jesus' friend. He wanted to tell people in China. China was a long, long way away. China had a different language. different food and different clothes.

Hudson went to China. Hudson learnt Chinese languages, ate Chinese food and wore Chinese clothes. Some of his friends thought this was a very strange thing to do - but Hudson knew it would help him tell the Chinese people all about Jesus. Hudson traveled all over China - It was very dangerous and very hard work.

He couldn't tell everyone in China about Jesus all on his own. So he asked if any of Jesus friends in England would come and help him. even though it was dangerous; even though it was hand work; even though they would have to dress up in Chinese clothes, some people said yes!

More and more people in China heard about Jesus because of Hudson Taylor. Sometimes dressing up is a really good idea.

STEP 5. Pray!

"God, thank You for showing us when we are wrong and for forgiving us. We are grateful that when we follow You, You give us Your Holy Spirit to help us do what is right. We love You, God. In Jesus’ name, Amen."

Encourage the kids to hold their hands out in front of them, with palms up, as if their hands were open to receive something. Tell them to listen and receive the blessing as you speak it over them.

Blessing: May you be strengthened by the Holy Spirit each day to make right choices. May you remember that God honors right living. May you remain faithful to God because His love for you never fails.