Family Worship


The focus of this family time is to use five easy steps to teach your family that Pharaoh’s decree to kill all male Hebrew babies threatens the life of newborn Moses. God sends help to rescue Moses, who would one day lead God’s people out of slavery in Egypt.


“Know that the Lord your God is God, He is the faithful God.” Duet 7:9

Learn the Memory Verse together and say it throughout the week to help your family remember and apply what they have learned.


  • In this modified version of Rock, Paper, Scissors, kids make motions to represent Pharoah, God’s people, and baby Moses. Call the kids together to demonstrate the motions. For Pharaoh, turn sideways with arms bent at the elbows, fingers pointed outwards for the “Egyptian walk.” For God’s people, place the palms together in prayer, head bowed. For baby Moses, cradle and rock an invisible baby. 
  • Pharaoh treated God’s people very badly. When Moses was a baby, his mother saved him by putting him in a basket and placing it among the tall grass that grew along the Nile River. Baby Moses grew up and became a powerful leader who, with God’s help, defeated Pharaoh. Let’s play a game like Rock, Paper, Scissors. Here’s how the game works: Pharaoh "beats" God’s people. 
  • Demonstrate the Pharaoh and God’s people motions. God’s people "beats" baby Moses. Demonstrate the God’s people and baby Moses motions. And baby Moses "beats" Pharoah. Demonstrate the baby Moses and Pharaoh motions. Invite the kids to practice each motion as you model it for them.


Sing and have fun while worshiping then pray. Take a moment here to thank God for your family and your time together!!


Watch the Bible Story video, and use these questions and points to have a conversation with your children about the Bible story.



Use these questions and points to have a conversation with your children about the Bible story.

  • God was faithful to keep His unbreakable promise to Abraham. What in this story shows that God was keeping it?
  • How do you think Moses’ mother felt when she set him afloat in the river? Why?
  • God helped His people a lot. How did He help Moses? Moses’ family? The whole Hebrew family?
  • Nobody expected God to work through an Egyptian princess to help Moses. When’s a time someone unexpected helped you?
  • Sometimes God works through His people to help others who need something. How could you be a helper to someone?
  • If you could say five words to God about how He helps you, what would they be? 

God sends help to His people—and that’s us! But let’s not call on Him only when we need something. Let’s pause right now to thank and praise God for His help in the past!

Mission Moment

William Tyndale


What is your favorite Bible story? Is it Noah's Ark or David and Goliath, the feeding of the five thousand or the healing of the blind man? wonder what you would choose!

There was a time in England when children couldn't read Bible stories and if someone read them out loud it was no use, because they were written in a very old language that only a few people could understand. How could people learn how to be Jesus' friends if they couldn't read what God said in the Bible?

Willam Tyndale was very clever and understood lots of old languages.

He wanted to put the Bible into words that ordinary boys and girls and grown-ups could understand. The king told him he wasn't allowed to and got very angry! William had to run away to another country and pretend he was someone else, but he didn't give up his plan. The king's spies tried to stop him, but he didn't give up.

William worked and worked for months and months and months. At last it was finished. The new Bible was taken secretly back to England. Now people could finally read God's word in their own language -but the king's spies had caught up with Willam. He died for Wanting ordinary people to be able to read about Jesus.

STEP 5. Pray!

God, we trust in Your faithfulness. We believe You will send Your help at just the right time. Give us eyes to see where You are at work in our lives. We give these prayer requests to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Encourage the kids to hold their hands out in front of them, with palms up, as if their hands were open to receive something. Tell them to listen and receive the blessing as you speak it over them.

Blessing: May you see God’s faithfulness in your life. May you trust that God will help you because He loves you. Amen.