The focus of this family time is to use five easy steps to teach your family that An enemy king wants a prophet named Balaam to curse God’s people, Israel. But God gets Balaam’s attention through a talking donkey and reminds him through an angel not to curse Israel, for God’s good plans cannot be stopped.
God is able to do far more than we could ever ask for or imagine. He does everything by his power that is working in us. —Ephesians 3:20
Learn the Memory Verse together and say it throughout the week to help your family remember and apply what they have learned.
Puzzle Play: Encourage your family to work on a puzzle together and complete it.
Use these questions and points to have a conversation with your children about the Bible story.
- What animal did God use to talk to Balaam? (a donkey)
- Why did the donkey stop walking? (An angel was blocking the way.)
- What did God tell Balaam to do? (only speak the words that He would give him)
- Why was Balak worried when God’s people were camping nearby? (He had heard that God was powerful and took care of them.)
- How does it make you feel knowing God’s good plans cannot be stopped?
- If you could hear any animal talking, which animal would you want to hear from?
Sometimes we may not understand why something is happening, but it is good for us to remember that God is faithful and He keeps His promises. God’s good plans cannot be stopped.
Mission Moment
Susanna Wesley
How many children are there in your family? Are there lots or is there just you?
Susanna Wesley came from a very big family. She had twenty-four brothers and sisters! It must have been very noisy. Jesus was her best friend. However busy she was, however noisy it was, however much fun she was having, she always found time to talk to him and find out about him in the Bible.
When she was grown up she had nineteen children of her own. She had to work very hard - looking after the big children; looking after the little children; looking after the babies; cooking food; cleaning the house. She was very busy! Jesus was still her best friend. However busy she was, however noisy it was, however tired she was, she Still always found time to talk to him and find out more about him in the Bible.
She knew that Jesus was the best friend ever. She wanted all her children to be his friends too. However busy she was, however noisy it was, however tired she was, she always found time to teach all her children all about Jesus and how he could be their best friend too.
When they were grown up two of her children; john and Charles spent their whole lives telling People about Jesus, She was a great mom!
STEP 5. Pray!